Vehicle for Hire Licensing

Vehicle for Hire Licensing

The Vehicle for Hire Unit assists companies, drivers, and consumers of taxi, livery, and limousines to make sure they are compliant with Arizona Revised Statutes (ARS), specifically ARS §28-9503. Companies looking to obtain a Vehicle for Hire Permit are required to follow all statutes.

Taxi, Livery and Limousines

Definitions, detailed requirements, application process, renewal process and additional resources and helpful information.

Transportation Network Company

Definitions, detailed requirements, and application process to become a digital transportation company.

File a Complaint

Submit a detailed report on issues with Vehicle for Hire companies.

Valid Permit Report

Report updated every Monday of the week to show currently permitted companies.

If you have questions or need further assistance please email us at [email protected].

Vehicle Registration Update

The vehicle registration form will now include an effective date for the vehicle registration. For example, if the registration was due on May 15, 2020, the registration form will reflect that date, as well as the official June 1, 2020 effective date. The registration is effective continuously, and without a gap before the effective date.