File-Naming Convention

File-Naming Convention

CADD Microstation File-Naming Convention

The following is an example of the file-naming convention that shall be used when developing bridge project plan sheets:

  • s2020ad2.dgn
First Entry Second Entry Third Entry Fourth Entry
s 2020 ad2 .dgn
Structure Structure number without leading zeroes Abbreviated sheet type plus sheet sequence number
(See note and table below)
File extension

Note: The third entry should be the abbreviated sheet type and sheet sequence number as follows:

  • Do not include a sequence number for a single sheet type.
    For example, if there is a single abutment detail sheet: s2020ad.dgn
  • If there are more then one sheet of a particular type, the sequencing shall start with 1.
    For example, if there are two abutment detail sheets: s2020ad1.dgn and s2020ad2.dgn
Description Type of Sheet
Abutment Detail ad
Abutment Diaphragm Detail af
Abutment Plan and Elevation ab
Approach Slab Detail ap
Barrier Replacement ba
Bearing Detail bd
Box Beam Details bb
Bridge Removal br
Camber Detail cd
Construction Access ca
Culvert Detail cu
Deck Detail dd
Deck Plan dp
Drilled Shaft Detail ds
Excavation and Backfill eb
Expansion Joint ej
Falsework Detail fw
Foundation Layout fl
Framing Plan fp
General Notes and Quantities nq
General Plan gp
Geometrics ge
Girder Detail gd
Girder Layout gl
Hinge Detail hd
Intermediate Diaphragm if
Joint Repair jr
Light Blister Detail lb
Location Plan lp
Miscellaneous Detail md
Phasing and Construction Sequence ph
Pier Detail pd
Pier Diaphragm pf
Pier Plan and Elevation pp
Prestressing Detail ps
Rail Detail rd
Repair Detail re
Retaining Wall Detail rw
Scour Protection sp
Screed Elevation se
Screed Rail Elevation sr
Sign Support ss
Slope Protection - Abutment sl
Steel Structure Detail st
Typical Cross Section xs
Wingwall Detail ww