List of Abbreviations
List of Abbreviations
In developing bridge project plan sheets, adhered to these rules:
- Minimize the use of abbreviations.
- Complete sentences should not contain abbreviations.
- Reduce the use of back to back abbreviations in the same call-out.
- Use abbreviations without a period for clarity unless otherwise indicated in the table below.
- When space requirements necessitate the use of abbreviations, follow this table:
Word | Abbreviation |
Abutment | Abut |
Alternate | Alt |
And | & |
Approach | Appr |
Approximate | Approx |
Asphaltic Concrete | AC |
At | @ |
Avenue | Ave |
Back Face | BF |
Back Wall | BW |
Bank Protection | Bank Prot |
Bearing | Brg |
Beginning | Beg |
Bench Mark | BM |
Bituminous Joint | Bit Jt |
Bottom | Bot |
Boulevard | Blvd |
Boundary | Bndry |
Bridge | Br |
Building | Bldg |
Cast-In-Place | CIP |
Cast-In-Place Concrete Box Culvert | CIP CBC |
Center | Ctr |
Center of Gravity | c.g. |
Center to Center | C to C |
Centerline | ℄ |
Clear | Clr |
Column | Col |
Concrete | Conc |
Concrete Box Culvert | CBC |
Concrete Pipe | Conc Pipe |
Construction | Constr |
Continuous | Cont |
Correction | Corr |
Corrugated Metal Pipe | CMP |
Culvert | Culv |
Curve to Spiral | CS |
Department | Dept |
Diameter | Dia |
Diaphragm | Diaph |
Dimension | Dim |
Discharge | Q |
Division | Div |
Drawing | Dwg |
Drive | Dr |
East Bound | EB |
Elevation | El |
Embankment | Emb |
Engineer | Engr |
Equal | Eq |
Excavation | Excav |
Existing | Exst |
Existing Ground Line | Exst Gnd Line |
Expansion | Exp |
Extend, Extension or Exterior | Ext |
Federal | Fed |
Figure | Fig |
Flange | Flg |
Floor | Flr |
Flow Rate | Q |
Footing | Ftg |
Front Face | FF |
Galvanized | Galv |
Gauge | Ga |
Girder | Gir |
Government | Govt |
Grade | Gr |
Grade Separation | Gr Sep |
Ground Line | Gnd Line |
Guard | Grd |
Handrail | Hdrl |
Headwall | Hdwl |
Height | Ht |
High Strength | HS |
High Water | HW |
Highway | Hwy |
Horizontal | Horiz |
Inside Diameter | ID |
Interior | int |
Intermediate | interm |
Joint | Jt |
Junction | Jct |
Laboratory | Lab |
Latitude | Lat |
Left | Lt |
Length | Lgth |
Linear Feet | LF |
Longitudinal | Longit |
Lump Sum | LS |
Manhole | MH |
Material | Mtl |
Maximum | Max |
Mile | mi. |
Mile Post | MP |
Minimum | Min |
Miscellaneous | Misc |
National | Natl |
North Bound | NB |
Number | No. |
Opposite | Opp |
Outside Diameter | OD |
Overpass | OP |
Parallel | // |
Parkway | Pkwy |
Percent | % |
Perpendicular | ⊥ |
Plate | ⅊ |
Point of Tangency | PT |
Point of Curve | POC |
Point of Intersection | POI |
Point of Tangent | POT |
Point of Vertical Curvature | PVC |
Point of Vertical Intersection | PVI |
Point of Vertical Tangent | PVT |
Prefabrication | Prefab |
Preliminary | Prelim |
Property | Prop |
Protection | Prot |
Quantity | Qty |
Radius | R |
Railroad | RR |
Reinforced | Reinf |
Reinforced Concrete | RC |
Reinforced Concrete Box Culvert | RCBC |
Reinforced Concrete Pipe | RCP |
Required | Reqd |
Right | Rt |
Right-of-Way | R/W |
Road | Rd |
Roadway | Rdwy |
Section | Sect |
Sheet | Sht |
Shoulder | Shldr |
Skew | Sk |
South Bound | SB |
Space(s) | Spa |
Special | Spcl |
Spiral to Curve | SC |
Spiral to Tangent | ST |
Standard | Std |
Station | Sta |
Stiffener | Stif |
Street | St |
Structural | Str |
Survey | Survey |
Symmetrical | Symm |
Tangent to Spiral | TS |
Temporary Concrete Barrier | TCB |
Tons | T |
Transverse | Trans |
Typical | Typ |
Underpass | UP |
Vertical | Vert |
Vertical Curve | VC |
West Bound | WB |
Unit | Abbreviation |
Cubic | Cu |
Cubic Feet | CF |
Cubic Feet per Second | cfs |
Cubic Yard | CY |
Degree Fahrenheit | oF |
Each | Ea |
Feet or Foot | Ft |
Inches | in. |
Kips per Square Feet | ksf |
Kips per Square Inch | ksi |
Pounds | Lbs |
Pounds per Square Feet | psf |
Pounds per Square Inch | psi |
Square Feet | SF |
Square Yard | SY |