MVD Forms Library

MVD Forms Library

Use Fuel Vendor Frequently Asked Questions Frequently asked questions about fuel tax licensing requirements, refunds, etc.
Use Fuel Vendor Refund Application For a licensed vendor to request the 8¢ per gallon tax refund on diesel fuel sold or dispensed into light class or exempt use class vehicles.
Use Fuel Vendor Summary Detail A summary of the Use Fuel Vendor Branch Worksheet, 96-0152B, in support of Use Fuel Vendor Refund Application.
Vehicle Dealer Bond For an applicant for a motor vehicle dealer or related license to authorize a surety bond for damages to any person who suffers a loss due to non-payment of motor vehicle fees, or failure to deliver a valid certificate of title.
Vehicle for Hire Audit Taxi Cab Inspection To record information during vehicle for hire audit/taxi cab inspection.
Vehicle for Hire Change Request Vehicle for Hire Change Request
Vehicle Inspection Inventory Tracking For an authorized Third Party to record vehicle inspection forms as they are received and issued.
Vehicle Inspection Request For a customer to request a vehicle inspection.
Vehicle Inspection Request A request for inspection from our tow yards, salvage yards, auto auctions.
Vehicle License Tax Tribal Exemption To claim an exemption from vehicle license tax for an enrolled member of a tribe.
Vision Annual Evaluation Diabetes Waiver This form must be submitted annually for individuals who need to renew a previously issued intrastate commercial driver license medical waiver for diabetes
Vision Evaluation Arizona Intrastate Diabetes Waiver This Vision Evaluation form is part of the initial Diabetes Waiver Package
Vision Examination Report For a physician to indicate how an observed medical condition regarding vision affects the person's ability to safely drive.
Witness List/Availability For an agency to notify the Executive Hearing Office regarding hearing dates and witnesses.
Zero Tolerance Policy Zero Tolerance Policy