New Franchised Motor Vehicle Dealers
Submit a copy of your Manufacturer Authorization letter that is on the Manufacturer’s letterhead that states your dealership name, physical address, effective date and authorized signature and a 10-mile radius check will be conducted prior to the product being added to your record. NOTE: The manufacturer or the authorized distributor must be licensed in Arizona by Dealer Licensing before any new product may be sold by a dealer in this state.
If the termination of the franchise is mutual between the manufacturer and the franchisee, submit a letter from the franchisee and the manufacturer to terminate that product line from a dealership.
If the termination is not mutual, the manufacturer must submit a letter that addresses the request for termination to MVD and contain the following:
- A statement of the franchisor’s intention to terminate, cancel or not renew the franchise
- The reasons for the termination, cancellation or nonrenewal
- The date on which the termination, cancellation or nonrenewal is effective
Business may not be conducted until the new principal(s) are issued a dealer license. A Motor Vehicle Dealer Application is required, a copy of the buy/sell agreement and letter(s) of termination from the manufacturer(s) as well as all requirements as outlined in the Dealer Licensing website.
Submit a written notification, signed by an owner requesting cancellation of your dealer license. Return the dealer license certificate and all dealer plates associated with the dealer license. New Motor Vehicle Dealers are required to submit a franchise letter of termination from the manufacturer.
Send us an email [email protected].
Manufacturer/Distributor Application
Complete and submit a motor vehicle dealer application with the appropriate fees and an original surety bond for the appropriate amount. If the listed owners are currently on a dealer license, Criminal Records Check will not be required. If you are a NEW motor vehicle dealer, submit a letter of authorization from each manufacturer for each franchise product listed.
Dealer Plate Application
Order new or additional dealer plates; if a dealer plate has been lost/stolen, request cancellation and replacement of the plate; order duplicate registration for a dealer plate; cancel a dealer plate.
When you submit your dealer application, you may pre-order dealer plates by completing and submitting a Dealer Plate Application. The dealer plate fee will be included with the dealer license fee in an invoice that will be emailed to you after the application has been accepted and Criminal Records Check has been concluded. NOTE: Your dealer license and dealer plates, if applicable, are renewed annually.
Dealer Record Amendment
Submit a Dealer Record Amendment via your dealer community account, including a bond rider showing the updated information and required fee. No business may be conducted until you receive a revised license certificate by email. NOTE: A new motor vehicle dealer also needs a letter of authorization acknowledging the new name/location from each manufacturer of their franchised products.
Complete an Add/Delete via your dealer community account including a copy of amended corporate articles or corporate minutes noting the change. If the individual is already on an existing dealer license, a Criminal Records Check is not required. If the individual owns 20% or more interest in the business they are required to go through the Criminal Records Check.
Branch Application
A branch dealer license uses the same bond policy as the main license. The location must be within the same county as the main license; the owners must be the same; the business name must be the same, although a DBA may be different; franchise products may be different, if applicable.
No, the records must be stored at the physical location where business is conducted.
Motor Vehicle Dealer License
Six months
Yes and you will be issued a new dealer license upon approval. Dealer plates are license specific and will not transfer.
Yes and you will be issued a new dealer license upon approval. Dealer plates are license specific and will not transfer.
Yes, if the wheels are removed and the dealer OWNS the property the trailer is on. If the dealer owns the property and the trailer or mobile home is permanently affixed, the dealer can have the county assessor issued an “affidavit of affixture” which makes the trailer a permanently enclosed structure. The trailer will then be issued a DEED rather than a title. A dealer who is only renting the property may not sell NEW products from a trailer.
No. A Broker is not required to have an “established place of business” as defined in ARS 28-4301.8(a). A Broker must have a commercial location and meet security and sign requirements as outlined in the Dealer Licensing website for a “principle place of business” as outlined in ARS 28-4406.B
Yes, the sign may be painted on a window or storefront and must meet all requirements including size and verbiage as outlined in ARS 28-4406.
No. A banner is not considered permanent as outlined in ARS 28-4406.
No. An applicant/owner, who owns 20% or more interest in the business, must go through a Criminal Records Check using pre-printed Dealer Licensing fingerprint cards. New/franchise dealers are exempt from the Criminal Records Check.
Yes, but the dealer is responsible to ensure that the buyer is an actual licensed dealer in the country of license and must keep proper records as required by law.