CDL Examiner Refresher Training
CDL Examiner Refresher Training
CDL Examiner Training is an online course covering inspection skills, basic skills and road testing. The completion of this course is required prior to renewing your CDL examiner certification.
If you are a new user, email Commercial Driver License Examination Program for assistance or to receive the group password required to register for the training.
Once registered, users can return to the site and log in to complete their refresher.
- On the login page, enter your email then click the Reset Password link.
- You will be sent an email with a link to reset your password. The link is good for one (1) hour.
- On the Change Password page, enter your email and new password, confirm the password and click Submit.
- You will be returned to the login page with a note confirming the reset and asking you to log in.
Note: If the email given does not exist in the database, you will be asked to register.