Abandoned Vehicle Fees

Abandoned Vehicle Fees

Fee Procedure

If a vehicle is reported abandoned and goes through the abandoned vehicle process, the registered owner may be assessed a $500 fee if it is abandoned on private property and a $600 fee if abandoned on certain federal or state land. It is the responsibility of the vehicle's registered owner to either claim the vehicle or submit proper documentation to avoid being assessed an abandoned vehicle fee.

To help avoid a potential $500 abandoned vehicle fee:

  • File a sold notice immediately if you sell, trade-in, donate, or otherwise transfer ownership or end a vehicle lease. This service is free.
  • Follow up with the tow company if your vehicle is towed for any reason

One of the following documents may be used to potentially avoid or waive the fee:

  • Proof of bill of sale prior to the vehicle being abandoned
  • Trade-in agreement or proof of sale to a dealer
  • If the vehicle is reported stolen, a copy of the police report
  • Total loss Settlement statement must include the following information: 
    • Payout for the loss of the vehicle (VIN, Make and Year needs must be listed)
    • Date of loss
    • Indicator of who “retained” the vehicle
  • Incarceration
    • Time Served documentation which includes incarceration date and release date
    • Letter from Probation Officer or Parole Officer in official letterhead indicating the incarceration date and release date

Abandoned Vehicle Fee flyer

More information on abandoned vehicle fees.

Fee Payment

Fees must be paid in full.

If an Abandoned Vehicle Notification was received and there’s a lien holder on your vehicle, you’re still responsible for retrieving your vehicle, unless proof is provided that the vehicle has been repossessed, filed in bankruptcy or sold/transferred to another person before the day of abandonment

If you receive an Abandoned Vehicle Notice, you may contact the applicant  and offer to surrender the title. If the applicant accepts the title and it is properly transferred, the abandoned vehicle process will be discontinued and the fee will be waived. 

No further action is needed. You are receiving this notification because you are the last owner in our records. We have received your sold notice and no fees or penalties will be charged to you.

If the above message is on the Abandoned Vehicle Notification, you will not be assessed the abandoned vehicle fee. The person who purchased the vehicle didn’t transfer the title out of the seller’s name. This is a courtesy notice