Federal Aid Highway Program (FAHP)
Federal Aid Highway Program (FAHP)
The FAHP is currently a primary source of funding for construction of Arizona highways, roads and streets. Most of the funding falls into several core programs, including the National Highway Performance Program (NHPP), Surface Transportation Block Grant Program (STBGP), Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) and Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ). The FAHP is funded from the transportation user-related revenues deposited in the Federal Highway Trust Fund, primarily federal excise taxes on motor fuels along with excise taxes on tires, trucks and trailers and truck-use taxes.
The FAHP is a reimbursement program. Once projects are authorized in advance by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and federal funds are obligated, the federal government reimburses states for costs as they are incurred. With few exceptions, federal reimbursements must be matched with state or local funds. For most projects in Arizona, the federal share is 94.3 percent, and the state/local share is 5.7 percent.
COG/MPO Federal Formula Funding Ledgers
Central Arizona Governments (CAG)
Central Yavapai Metropolitan Planning Organization (CYMPO)
Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG)
Northern Arizona Association of Governments (NACOG)
Pima Association of Governments (PAG)
Southeastern Association of Governments (SEAGO)
Western Arizona Council of Governments (WACOG)
Metropolitan Planning Organization (YMPO)
Sun Corridor Metropolitan Planning Organization (SCMPO)
Lake Havasu City Metropolitan Planning Organization (LHMPO)
Sierra Vista Metropolitan Planning Organization (SVMPO)
In addition to funding provided by federal law to the greater Phoenix and Tucson areas, ADOT also provides federal funds on a discretionary basis to Arizona's 12 Councils of Governments (COGs) and Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs). These funds must be obligated to projects by June 30 annually or are reverted.
The federal formula funding ledgers are prepared by the Office of Financial Management Services (FMS) on a monthly basis and posted as Excel files. The ledgers reflect funding activity in the current federal fiscal year (FFY) through the end of the month for which the ledger is posted. Ledgers dating back to FFY 10 are available on the Archived Audits and Reports page.
The above audits and reports are the most current releases on their subjects and are prepared by ADOT's Office of Financial Management Services (FMS). The information and any expressions of opinion herein are subject to change without notice, and the posting of information on this website does not imply that there has been no change in the affairs of ADOT since the date of the document. For historical information, visit the Archived Audits and Reports page.