
Designate a driver to safely ring in the New Year

Designate a driver to safely ring in the New Year

December 31, 2023
A digital message board encourages drivers to designate a driver

By Kelsey Mo / ADOT Communications 

As Arizonans are prepping for end-of-the-year parties, we at ADOT want to remind everyone that driving under the influence of alcohol is never a good idea. Whether you’re attending a family gathering or sharing drinks with friends at a public bar, make a plan for getting home before you head out.

Impaired driving is a leading cause of traffic fatalities and having a sober driver should be top of mind for everyone, especially on New Year’s Eve. In 2022, there were over 5,400 alcohol-related crashes and 541 of those occurred in December, the highest monthly total last year.

So before the clock strikes midnight and you mumble the lyrics (that you pretend to know) to “Auld Lang Syne,” make sure to designate a driver. Or you can call a rideshare service, sleep it off at a friend’s place — whatever you choose, do it safely. We want you to stick around for a good, long time.

Happy New Year, Arizona. See y’all in 2024.