I-10/SR 90 interchange project is under way near Benson

I-10/SR 90 interchange project is under way near Benson

August 7, 2012

Have you “liked” ADOT’s Facebook page yet?

Well, what are you waiting for!?! Maybe we’re a little bit biased, but we think some pretty cool stuff gets posted over there, including this photo from a few weeks ago

It was posted as part of a “Where in AZ?” challenge, but actually proved to be not that much of a challenge – quite a few people guessed the location right away!

Which brings us to the topic of today’s blog post: the photo … well, not the photo, but the project that’s in the photo, more specifically the I-10/SR 90 traffic interchange project.

It sits southeast of Tucson and just west of Benson (many of you who have taken a trip to Kartchner Caverns might recognize the turnoff).

You’ll learn more about the project in the video above, but basically this project is going to reconstruct the existing traffic interchange and realign more than a mile of curves on I-10 west of SR 90.

The new interchange and realignment will feature wider entrance and exit ramps with traffic signals, overpass bridges that will provide for future growth, and a design that will accommodate a future project to add a westbound I-10 climbing lane starting at the Ocotillo Road exit east of SR 90.

If that wasn’t enough, the project also entails the construction of new access roads to SR 90, drainage improvements, improved lighting, utility relocation and other roadway enhancements.

The project is scheduled for completion by fall 2012, except for the final paving – due to upcoming colder weather (it's got to get here eventually, right?) the paving work will take place in spring 2013. We’ll keep you updated on the progress here on the blog and on our Facebook page (hint, hint … go “like” us!).

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