
Value engineering saves time, reduces motorist inconvenience on I-17 improvement

Value engineering saves time, reduces motorist inconvenience on I-17 improvement

November 7, 2018

By David Woodfill / ADOT Communications

Value engineering, a process used by ADOT and its contractors, is designed to speed up construction, reduce costs when possible and deliver superior final results.

We recently told you about a bridge-improvement project on Interstate 17 south of Flagstaff that has a larger scope – new bridges at Willard Springs Road rather than new bridge decks – without adding to the cost. This expanded improvement also is being delivered during just one warm season rather than the two in our original plans.

That's thanks to value engineering used our contractor, which suggested using a novel technique that creates new bridge abutments in days rather than weeks, in coordination with ADOT engineers.

Want to learn more? Check out a cool video showing this project and the role of value engineering.

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