Wanna help your dear ol’ DOT win a national award?

Wanna help your dear ol’ DOT win a national award?

By Steve Elliott / ADOT Communications
September 13, 2024
Aerial view of 43rd Avenue interchange with Loop 303

Exciting news: An ADOT project that added Loop 303 interchanges at 43rd and 51st avenues is a national finalist for top honors in the 2024 America’s Transportation Awards. And one of those honors, the People’s Choice Award, is decided by the public.  

So please, vote early and vote often – preferably for us.  

Actually, you can vote daily (and heaven knows we will be) through Oct. 29. All you have to do is visit americastransportationawards.org (Full disclosure: That link takes you straight to the page with our project so it's easier to vote for us).

Ours is among 12 projects from around the nation in the running for the People’s Choice Award as well as the Grand Prize, which will be decided by an independent panel of transportation experts. It’s all part of a competition sponsored by AASHTO, an association representing highway and transportation departments nationwide, as well as AAA and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

Earlier this year, the $70 million Loop 303 project earned a West Region award in the America’s Transportation Awards “Quality of Life/Community Development, Medium Project” category among state departments of transportation. That got us to this point.

ADOT partnered with the Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG), the regional transportation planning agency, and city of Phoenix to accelerate construction of the Loop 303 bridges and ramps to address current and future traffic growth near the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. plant in the north Valley. The interchanges were completed in September 2023, several years sooner than originally planned.

It’s an honor just to be nominated for these awards. But it sure would be fun to win. So I hope you’ll please consider helping your dear ol’ DOT by casting a vote – or better, several dozen votes. 


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