Airport Capital Improvement Program
Airport Capital Improvement Program
In conjunction with Arizona’s public airports and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), ADOT develops the Tentative Five-Year Airport Capital Improvement Program to parallel the FAA’s Airport Capital Improvement Program. This program has the dual objective of maximizing the use of state dollars for airport development and maximizing FAA funding for Arizona airports. Federal monies are derived mainly from taxes on airline tickets and are distributed by the FAA directly to local airports. State funds come mainly from flight property tax, aircraft lieu tax, and aviation fuel tax. The Airport Capital Improvement Program development process allocates money from the State Aviation Fund and distributes these funds across three major categories: Design/Construction, Planning, and Land Acquisition. The State Transportation Board approves this distribution annually.
As airport sponsors receive a federal grant, they will apply to the state for the matching funds. The maximum grant funds any one sponsor can receive cannot exceed 10 percent of the average revenue into the State Aviation Fund for the period of three previous years. The maximum state/local grant funds for the fiscal year 2021 Program is $2 million per airport.
The Airport Capital Improvement Program also provides for state-funded loans and Airport Pavement Maintenance Service. Airport Loans are suspended in fiscal year 2021. In 2021, $8 million will be invested in Airport Preventative Maintenance Services at public airports. Statewide System Planning and Services are managed by ADOT and funded by both federal and state monies. In 2021, $1 million will be invested in statewide planning studies and services to benefit Arizona airports.