From the ADOT Archives: The 'Stack' construction

From the ADOT Archives: The 'Stack' construction

June 22, 2017
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By Caroline Carpenter / ADOT Communications

Long-time Valley residents may remember the construction of the interchange connecting the Interstate 17 Black Canyon and Interstate 10 Papago freeways near downtown Phoenix. It's just west of the Deck Park Tunnel.

The photos above show construction of the pillars supporting the four-level "Stack" interchange, which was completed in 1990.

The "Stack" wasn't the first interchange in town. That honor goes to the I-17 and US 60 interchange finished in 1957.

If you're new to the Valley and confused by all of the freeway names, check out this blog post for a rundown of Phoenix freeway nicknames.

It’s safe to say things have changed since 1912 when the Arizona Highway Department was first established. But you don’t just have to take our word … we’ve got plenty of pictures to prove it. We combed through our archives and decided to periodically post these photos from the past in a blog series we’re calling, “From the ADOT Archives.”