Art of Transportation: Clouds and construction with a silver lining
Art of Transportation: Clouds and construction with a silver lining
By John Dougherty / ADOT Communications
December 11, 2019

As you may be aware, construction isn't always a breeze.
There are delays, restrictions and a lot of hard work, but that doesn't mean there aren't the occasional moments when things are light, pleasant and, well, breezy.
That's what our camera captured in the sky above the work along Interstate 40 to rebuild the interchange bridges at Meteor City Road. But these clouds (we think they are cirrus clouds, but we're not experts) aren't the only things merrily floating along. As we told you about in August, thanks to a new bridge building technique, this project is being completed in only a fraction of the time it would have taken.
And that has us on cloud nine.