From the Director: What Moves You, Arizona?

From the Director: What Moves You, Arizona?

October 1, 2016

By John Halikowski / ADOT Director

In transportation, we are constantly looking ahead. What needs will emerge over the next 25 years? What new technologies – like self-driving cars – will be developed to influence how our transportation system operates? How will public-private partnerships continue to help us leverage our existing transportation funds? Transportation is about looking ahead, in part because of the time, deliberation and study required to build a new highway. It’s that same sort of vision decades ago that led to today’s Phoenix-area freeway system.

The Arizona Department of Transportation looks into the future and develops a long-range transportation plan for the state, updated every five years. We call our plan, “What Moves You Arizona.” ADOT is now in the midst of updating the plan and we need your input.

ADOT has developed an interactive online survey – but it’s more like a game. It gives you the opportunity to rank six transportation priorities: preservation, expansion, safety, technology, accessibility, and maintenance and operations. You get a budget and determine how much of it you’d allocate for each priority. Then, you’ll decide tradeoff scenarios that further define your priorities. What we hope you will experience is what we face as transportation planners in setting priorities and making difficult choices with limited resources.

The survey only takes a few minutes and can be completed on a computer, smartphone or tablet. A Spanish-language version of the survey is also available.

The survey is available until Nov. 11.

It’s up to the public, policymakers and communities to tell ADOT what’s important to them through the long-range planning process. In turn, that input helps us prioritize projects and funding.

The final version of the plan is expected to be complete in 2017.

So tell us: What Moves You Arizona!



This post originally appeared on ADOT Director John Halikowski's
LinkedIn page. He has led the agency since 2009.


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