From the Director: Work zone safety is our responsibility

From the Director: Work zone safety is our responsibility

April 10, 2018

Arizona State Capitol

By John Halikowski / ADOT Director

Work zone safety means something extra to us at the Arizona Department of Transportation.

I take a lot of pride in our dedication and professionalism when it comes to safety. Cutting corners and doing less than our best when it comes to safety is not an option. Many ADOT employees spend their days working in roadways alongside fast-moving vehicles. And, frankly, some cars are traveling too fast. While some motorists might see work zones as inconveniences that add minutes to a commute, they are necessary environments that make it safer for us to build, maintain and improve roadway travel in Arizona, while keeping the traveling public safe, too.

This week, April 9-13, is Work Zone Safety Awareness Week, a nationwide effort to focus on work zone safety and our responsibility to drive safe. Here in Arizona, we have lit the Arizona State Capitol dome orange and Governor Doug Ducey has proclaimed this week as Work Zone Awareness Week. If you have the chance, stop by to see the Capitol dome illuminated in orange between dusk and dawn.

I am sure you have seen first-hand the damage done by speed, distraction and impairment. Poor judgment and choices by drivers cause these crashes that are preventable and should never have happened. All of us must set the example and drive safely in order to reduce the number of vehicle collisions that occur each year in Arizona.

To our ADOT men and women who work on and around our state’s roadways, thank you for your dedicated and professional work. To the rest of us, please join me in changing our culture to one of “Safety First” by reminding friends and family to use good judgment and make smart decisions behind the wheel.



This post originally appeared on ADOT Director John Halikowski's LinkedIn page. He has led the agency since 2009.