Frontage roads get prominent billing at I-10/Loop 303 project in Goodyear
Frontage roads get prominent billing at I-10/Loop 303 project in Goodyear
By Doug Nintzel / ADOT Communications
Frontage-road construction rarely gets attention within a larger freeway project, but that isn't the case with work underway in Goodyear, where a $63.5 million construction job is finishing the entire “south half” of the Loop 303 interchange connections with Interstate 10.
The big project still has a few months until completion. But on Saturday, Aug. 19, ADOT opened new and separate stretches of the north- and southbound Loop 303 frontage roads between McDowell Road and Van Buren Street.
Technically, these new frontage roads located next to Loop 303 (the freeway remains under construction in that area) still serve as the section of Cotton Lane between McDowell and Van Buren.
The frontage roads will continue to play an important role in allowing local drivers to make I-10, Loop 303 or other connections even after the new south half of the freeway-to-freeway opens by November.
In case you were wondering, the north half of the Loop 303/I-10 interchange, with ramps connecting the two freeways in the area north of the interstate, opened to traffic in 2014.
As always, we ask that if you’re going to be using these completed frontage roads or other roadways at the interchange, please continue to treat the area as a large work zone. Keep an eye out for construction workers. They have families who want them to get home safely each day. Be prepared for construction equipment, including large trucks, to be operating in the area.
This is a major project for ADOT, Goodyear, the West Valley and the entire Phoenix-area region. We’ll keep you posted on remaining major restrictions that are needed to complete the job over the next three months.
Enjoy the new frontage roads. The ADOT team is looking forward to opening the remaining elevated ramps and other Loop 303/I-10 connections to drivers very soon.