It's got a funny name, but it's making guardrail repairs easier

It's got a funny name, but it's making guardrail repairs easier

Kathy Cline / ADOT Communications
July 13, 2022

Do you know what a guardrail crab is?

Guardrail crab makes repairs easierNo, it's not a delicious restaurant entree. It's an invention from ADOT's Nogales Maintenance Unit that makes repairing guardrails easier and safer.

Guardrails are a vital component of highway safety and replacing or repairing them is a top priority when damage occurs. However, each one is 25 feet long and weighs 185 pounds. Previously, at least four crew members were required to hold the guardrail in place 20-30 inches from the ground for two to seven minutes. Multiply that by miles of highway and that situation's full of potential for arm, leg and back injuries. Plus, there is the safety component of repairing guardrails along roadways.

The Nogales Maintenance Unit felt there must be a better way, and the guardrail crab was what they came up with. Using two guardrail crabs, crew members can line up the guardrail at the site and move it into place. Not only has this reduced the number of crew members needed for guardrail repairs, it has increased safety for employees and reduced time working on busy roads.