It's never too early to start preparing for snow and ice
It's never too early to start preparing for snow and ice

By Ryan Harding / ADOT Communications
Winter weather struck Arizona’s high country this past weekend, with a storm dropping a couple of inches of snow up along State Route 87 and State Route 260 in the Mogollon Rim area, the Flagstaff area and along State Route 264 near Window Rock.
And to think that the wintry scenes in the video above and the picture at right occurred in just the first week of October.
Luckily, ADOT crews prepare way in advance for weather like this. They rolled out well-maintained snowplows and started clearing snow off of SR 87 north of Strawberry.
Since Jack Frost made up for last year’s tardiness by arriving early, it’s time for you to start thinking about what it takes to drive in winter weather – and when it's wise to put off travel. Here are some tips available at
- The safest decision when snow falls is delaying travel until the storm passes and highways have been cleared. Before deciding whether and when to travel, check weather reports and get the latest highway conditions by checking ADOT’s Arizona Traveler Information site at, calling 511 or reviewing ADOT’s Twitter feed (@ArizonaDOT).
- If delaying travel isn’t possible, leave prepared for the possibility that you’ll spend extended time in winter conditions. Pack an emergency kit with items like extra blankets, warm clothes, food and water, cat litter or sand for traction, a first-aid kit and a fully charged cellphone.
- Slow down and drive for the conditions you’re in. Be sure to leave extra room between your vehicle and the vehicle in front of you.
- Give snowplows plenty of room to work. Avoid passing a plow until the driver pulls aside to let traffic by.
For more winter driving tips, visit