Commonly Used Acronyms

Commonly Used Acronyms

Commonly Used Acronyms

Acronyms shown below by beginning letter.


A&A - Office of Audits & Analysis

A/E - Architectural and/or Engineering

AA - Affirmative Action

AAC - Arizona Administrative Code

AASHTO - American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials

ACE - Alliance for Construction Excellence

ACEC - American Council of Engineering Companies

AD - Assistant Director

ADA - Americans with Disabilities Act

ADEQ - Arizona Department of Environmental Quality

ADOA - Arizona Department of Administration

ADOT - Arizona Department of Transportation

AGC - Associated General Contractors

AMCA - Associated Minority Contractors of America

ANSI - American National Standards Institute

ANTP - Advance Notice to Proceed

APC - Arizona Procurement Code

APDA - Alternative Project Delivery Administration

APSR - Active Project Status Reports

APWA - American Public Works Association

ARS - Arizona Revised Statutes

ASD - Administrative Services Division

ASE - Assistant State Engineer

AWWA - American Water Works Association

AZAA - Arizona Airports Association

AZUCP - Arizona Unified Certification Program

AZ UTRACS - Arizona Unified Transportation Registration & Certification System


BAFO - Best and Final Offer

BAMS - Bid Analysis and Management System

BECO - Business Engagement and Compliance Office

BIA - Bureau of Indian Affairs

BLM - Bureau of Land Management

BTS - Bi-weekly Timesheet

C&S - Contracts and Specification

CA - Certificate of Acceptance

CAAG - Central Arizona Association of Governments

CCP - Communication & Community Partnerships

CDL - Commercial Driver License

CE - Categorical Exclusion

CFIC - Certification of Final Indirect Costs

CIRM - Consultant Information and Role Management Module

CM - Contract Modification

CMAR - Construction Manager-At-Risk

COI - Certificate of Insurance

CPFF - Cost Plus Fixed Fee

CPFF TO - Cost Plus Fixed Fee by Task Order

CPUW - Cost per Unit of Work

CRM - Customer Relationship Management

CRO - Civil Rights Office

CUF - Commercially Useful Function

DBE - Disadvantage Business Enterprise

DBRA - Davis Bacon Related Acts

DE - District Engineer

DOC - Department of Commerce

DOJ - Department of Justice

DOL - Department of Labor

DOT – Department of Transportation

DSE - Deputy State Engineer


EA - Environmental Assessment

EAS - Environmental Impact Statement

eCMS - electronic Contract Management System

ECS - Engineering Consultants Section

EEO - Equal Employment Opportunity

EEOC - Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

EMG - Emergency Procurement

EO - Executive Order

E&O - Errors & Omissions

EPA - Environmental Protection Agency

FAA - Federal Aviation Administration

FAHP - Federal-aid Highway Program

FAR - Federal Acquisition Regulation

FCC - Federal Communication Commission

FFY - Federal Fiscal Year

FHWA - Federal Highway Administration

FICA -Federal Insurance Contribution Act

FLSA - Fair Labor Standards Act

FMS - Financial Management Services

FTA - Federal Transit Administration

FY - Fiscal Year

FYE - Fiscal Year-end

GAAP - Generally Accepted Accounting Principles

GAO - General Accounting Office

GSA -General Services Administration


HR - Human Resources

ICA - Incurred Cost Audit

ICAP - Indirect Cost Allocation Plan

ICE - Institution of Civil Engineers

ICP - Initial Cost Proposal

IFB - Invitation for Bid

IGA - InterGovernmental Agreement

ITCA - Inter-Tribal Council of Arizona

ITD - Intermodal Transportation Division

ITG - Information Technology Group

JOC - Job Order Contracts

JPA - Joint Project Administration or Joint Project Agreement

LGA - Local Government Agency

LPA - Local Public Agency

LS - Lump Sum

LSTO - Lump Sum by Task Order

MBE - Minority Business Enterprise

MOU - Memorandum of Understanding

MPD - Multimodal Planning Division

MPO - Metropolitan Planning Division


NAICS - North American Industrial Classification System

NBS - National Bureau of Standards

NHS - National Highway System

NHTSA  - National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

NOC - Notice of Opportunity to Correct

NOI - Notice of Intent

NOT - Notice of Termination

NOV - Notice of Violation

NTP - Notice to Proceed

OAA - Office of Audit and Analysis

OFCCP - Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs

OIG - Office of the Inspector General

OJT - On-the-Job Training

OMB - Office of Management & Budget

OSHA - Occupational Safety and Health Administration

OSPB - Office of Strategic Planning and Budget

OT - Overtime

P3 - Public Private Partnership

PAIP - Post-award Instruction Package

PC - Project Change or Purchase Order (centralized)

PCN - Preconstruction Notification

PCO - Pending Closeout

PD - Decentralized Purchase Order

PDS - Post-Design Services or Project Data Sheet

PE - Project Engineer

PF - Pay Factor

PGP - Policies, Guidelines and Procedures

PLA - Project Labor Agreement

PM - ADOT Project Manager

PNR - Project Number Reference

PNW - Personal Net Worth

POD - Purchase Order Draft

PP - Pay Period or Project Principal

PPE - Pay Period Ending

PRB - Project Review Board

PRS - Project Related Specifications

PS&E - Plans, Specifications and Estimates

PSA - Private Sector Agreements

PUC - Public Utility Commission


QA/QC - Quality Assurance/ Quality Control

RC - Race-conscious

RE - Resident Engineer

RFB - Request for Bid

RFI - Request for Information

RFP - Request for Proposal

RFQ - Request for Qualifications

RFTA - Regional Fuel Tax Agreement

RN - Race Neutral

RX - Requisitions

S/D - Suspension and Debarment

SA - Supplemental Agreement or Self-Administered

SAM - System for Award Management (formerly EPLS)

SBA- Small Business Administration

SBC - Small Business Concern

SBE - Small Business Enterprise

SEO - State Engineers Office

SFY - State Fiscal Year

SHA - State Highway Agency

SIC - Standard Industrial Classification

SLA - Service Level Agreement

SOQ - Statement of Qualifications

SOW - Scope of Work or Statement of Work

SPMG - Statewide Project Management Group

SPO - State Procurement Office

SRF - Subcontractor Request Form

SSC - Supplemental Service Consultant

SSP - Sole Source Procurement

STB - State Transportation Board

SURF - Status Update Request Form

SW - Statewide


TBD - To Be Determined

TO - Task Order

TOW - Type of Work

TRB - Transportation Research Board

TSG - Transportation Services Group

UBC - Uniform Building Code

UCP - Unified Certification Program

UPC - Uniform Plumbing Code

USDOT - United States Department of Transportation

USGS - United States Geological Survey

VA - Value Analysis

VE - Value Engineering

W3C - World Wide Web Consortium

W-9 - Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification

WAI - Web Accessible Initiative

WBE - Women Business Enterprise

WOSB - Women-Owned Small Business