Drainage Design

Drainage Design

Roadway Drainage oversees ADOT's drainage program by developing policies, guidelines and standards and conducting outside liaison activities. The team conducts drainage designs consisting of hydrologic analysis and hydraulic design of drainage appurtenances, performs reviews of ADOT and local government projects for compliance with policies and standards, and supports ADOT districts with review of drainage components on encroachment permit applications. In general, Roadway Drainage provides general operational support throughout the agency.


Information Bulletins


Drainage Reports

To request a digital copy of an available drainage report, email a request to Syed Alam, P.E., and Roadway Drainage personnel will provide a digital copy of the requested report on an FTP website where it may be downloaded. The requestor must be working on an ADOT or a local government project, and the request must be submitted through the ADOT's or local government's project manager for that project.

All other requests must be made through ADOT Risk Management by email to [email protected] or by fax to 602.712.6545.


Drainage Design photos