Crosswalk Visibility Enhancements

Crosswalk Visibility Enhancements

Marked crosswalks are painted crosswalks that define the proper locations for pedestrians to cross the roadway and signify to motorist to yield to pedestrians.  Section 3B of the MUTCD provides various crosswalk markings.

Example of Pedestrian Crosswalk Sign
Photo courtesy of


Crosswalk Visibility enhancements include:

High Visibility Crosswalk Markings

Basic crosswalk markings consist of two transverse lines, while High-Visibility Crosswalk Markings include the continental, bar pairs, ladder and zebra markings. High-visibility crosswalks have been shown to increase driver yielding at uncontrolled pedestrian crossing locations.

Countermeasure Tech Sheets

Example Projects

  • High Visibility Crosswalk and Pedestrian Crossing Warning Sign
    (Swanson Avenue - Acoma Blvd to Smoketree Ave) - PDF | DGN (5.7 MB .zip)


Improved Nighttime Lighting

Pedestrian fatality rates are higher at night time than during daytime. A major contributing factor is lower visibility due to reduced ambient illumination. Adequate night time overhead lighting, near a crosswalk and approaching it, can increase pedestrian safety and comfort as well as the visibility of pedestrians by motorists. 

Example Projects

  • Adequate Lighting (3rd St. - 6th St.) - PDF
  • Road Diet and Lighting - DGN (2.1 MB .zip)

Parking Restrictions on Crosswalk Approach

The primary purpose of parking restriction in advance of and on crosswalks is to improve sight distance and visibility between pedestrians and motorists in the crosswalk.


  • State Law:
    • A.R.S. 28-873 - Stopping, standing or parking prohibitions; exceptions; definition

Pedestrian Crossing Warning Sign

Pedestrian crossing warning signs are federally approved signs typically installed in advance of frequent pedestrian crossing locations.  They are usually installed along the sides of the road or in medians and are intended to provide alert drivers advance warning that pedestrians may be crossing in the area. The signs are considered warning signs as opposed to regulatory and as such compliance cannot be enforced.  They are sometimes accompanied by placards indicating proximity such as AHEAD and they may or may not be installed at crosswalks (either marked or unmarked).  The most common sign is the general pedestrian crossing sign (W11-2) but variations of the sign include SCHOOL CROSSWALK (S1-1), HANDICAPPED CROSSING (W11-9) or others.  All examples can be found in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices or MUTCD published by the Federal Highway Administration.  As with any signs, caution should be used when considering installation.  Drivers may not see or heed signs yet pedestrians may feel more comfortable crossing in areas with these signs.
Pedestrian Crosswalk Sign; Photo courtesy of FHWA
Pedestrian Crosswalk Sign; Photo courtesy of FHWA