Advance Yield Here To (Stop Here for) Pedestrian Sign and Yield (Stop) Line

Advance Yield Here To (Stop Here for) Pedestrian Sign and Yield (Stop) Line

In some cases, yielding motorists/vehicles stop too close to the crosswalk can cause unsafe pedestrian crossings. Because they block both the view of the pedestrian attempting to cross the roadway and the motorist proceeding in the adjacent lane. This situation can result in a high-speed crash, which usually leads to fatalities or very severe injuries.

Advance yield here to (stop here for) pedestrian sign and yield (stop) line should be placed 20 to 50 feet ahead of the nearest crosswalk line to improve the visibility of pedestrians to motorists, therefore can greatly reduce the likelihood of a multiple-threat crash at un-signalized midblock crossings. Also, parking should be restricted between the stop or yield line and the crosswalk to allow better visibility.

The decision of using advance yield here to (stop here for) pedestrian sign and yield (stop) line comply with relevant state law.

Example of Advance Yield Here To (Stop Here for) Pedestrian Sign and Yield (Stop) Line
Photo courtesy of / Dan Burden

