Comment Policy
Comment Policy
The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) uses social media to provide an open source for two-way communication and welcomes comments, questions and ideas from all sides of the issues. While our ultimate goal is to foster engaging, productive conversations, we also expect individuals to maintain an acceptable degree of civility.
ADOT monitors all comments and reserves the right to immediately delete any comment we deem inappropriate. We will immediately delete any comments that are obscene or contain abusive language; promote or advocate violence or the threat of violence; defame or discriminate against any person, community or organization; are sexually explicit or defamatory in nature; encourage illegal activity; endorse any candidate or corporation; or in any other way violate ADOT's Social Media Policy. We also will delete comments that are clearly off-subject or can be reasonably classified as spam.
All comments made on ADOT's social-media sites are considered public records and are bound by state and federal laws and Arizona records retention policies.
Communications made through an ADOT social-media site email, posting or messaging system will in no way constitute a legal or official notice or comment to ADOT or any official or employee of ADOT for any purpose.
Comments posted to ADOT social-media sites represent the opinions of the individuals providing the comment and not the views, positions or policies of ADOT, the state of Arizona or their officials or employees.