Where will ADOT conduct noise measurements?

Measurements will be taken at representative locations along the South Mountain Freeway; that is, residential neighborhoods, parks, schools and similar locations. Measurements are typically restricted to exterior areas of frequent human use. Interior measurements are taken only when there are no outside activities, such as at churches, hospitals and libraries. Measurements are typically taken in one of three exterior locations: (1) at or near the highway right-of-way line; (2) at or near buildings in residential areas; and (3) at an area between the right-of-way line and the building where frequent human activity occurs, such as a patio or the yard of a home. ADOT will cover all noise-sensitive areas throughout the 22-mile corridor, within the project limits, at areas within approximately 1,000 feet from the freeway. A map with the location, date and time of the field noise measurements will be posted on the project website at southmountainfreeway.com when it is confirmed.