Fuel Tax Licensing - SETUP Arizona

Fuel Tax Licensing - SETUP Arizona

Welcome to ADOT's SETUP Arizona!

SETUP (State Excise Tax User Portal) Arizona is the new online portal for fuel suppliers, restricted distributors, and vendors to manage their ADOT fuel tax licenses.  

Logging into SETUP is a 2-Step Process

Step 1:  Request a new user profile on the Secure Gateway

Request New User Profile


Step 2:  Register (link your profile) to an existing ADOT account or complete a new account application

Login to SETUP

* Suppliers and Restricted Distributors may already have a profile. Please go directly to Step 2: LOGIN TO SETUP

Helpful links before you get started…

Contact ADOT Licensing

[email protected]

Please tell us how we are doing, complete our survey!

For all Weights & Measures licensing requirements and questions, visit: https://agriculture.az.gov/weights-measures/fueling and https://agriculture.az.gov/weights-measures/licensing.