Medical and Vision Screening
Medical and Vision Screening
Medical Screening
Assisted by the Arizona Medical Advisory Board, we have established medical standards for driver licensing. Several questions regarding your medical condition are included on the driver license application.
You must report any medical conditions that develop or worsen that may affect your ability to operate a motor vehicle safely. Notification must be done within five days of a change or as soon as the condition allows. The written report must include your full name, your address, your date of birth, a description of your condition and your signature. The report should be mailed to Medical Review Program at the following address:
Medical Review Program
P.O. Box 2100
MD 818Z
Phoenix, AZ 85001
Vision Screening
You may be given a simple vision exam. If you wear prescription glasses or contact lenses for distance vision, be sure to wear them. You must have uncorrected vision of 20/40 or better in at least one eye to obtain an unrestricted license. If you cannot meet this requirement without glasses or contact lenses, you will be given a license with a “B” restriction. The “B” restriction means you must always wear your glasses or contact lenses when driving. A test of visual field will also be given to check how far you can see to the side while keeping your eyes straight ahead.
You must report any medical conditions that develop or worsen that may affect your ability to operate a motor vehicle safely. To report any conditions, complete The Vision Exam Report, (form #32-4001), certified by a medical provider. The completed form should be mailed to the Medical Review Program at the following address:
Medical Review Program
P.O. Box 2100
MD 818Z
Phoenix, AZ 85001