Selective Service Registration
Selective Service Registration
Federal law requires that every male United States citizen and male alien residing in the United States or its territories must register with the U.S. Selective Service System within 30 days of his 18th birthday.
Arizona law requires that by submitting an application for an original, renewal or reinstatement driver license or identification card, if you are a male applicant under 26 years old, you consent to registration with the Selective Service System as part of the application process.
When submitting an application for a duplicate driver license or identification card, if you are a male applicant under 26 years old, you have the option to consent to registration as part of the application process.
Registering with Selective Service does not mean that you are joining the military. Registration provides the federal government with an accurate list of males who might be called to military service if a return to the draft is authorized by Congress and the president.
If you are 18 to 25 years old, registration information will immediately be sent to Selective Service. If you are under 18 years old, information will be stored and automatically sent to Selective Service when you reach age 18. Selective Service will send you a registration acknowledgment card when your registration is complete.
For more information, visit Selective Service online or call toll-free 888.655.1825.