Virtual Port Technology

Virtual Port Technology

The Arizona Department of Transportation has deployed an innovative commercial vehicle screening technology in the state.  The technology, including cameras, weigh-in-motion scales and other in-road sensors have been installed at three of the state’s highway rest areas, McGuireville, Canoa Ranch, and Sacaton Rest Areas. The truck screening technology promotes safe and expeditious movement of vehicles, allowing ADOT Enforcement and Compliance Officers to focus on commercial vehicles with weight, credential or safety alerts. This provides reduced traffic congestion and promotes more efficient and effective enforcement efforts.  


Need assistance with Commercial Vehicle Enforcement in your area?

If you are a local, county or state law enforcement agency and would like to request assistance from ADOT's Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Unit (CVEU), please click the button below to submit a request. 

Submit Request



ADVANTAGE: Motor Carrier Companies Save Time and Money

With the new technology, CMVs that are compliant with motor carrier laws and regulations may bypass the inspection station at the specific rest areas since only non-compliant vehicles are directed by the technology system to stop for an inspection.


ADVANTAGE: Less Traffic Congestion, More Traffic Safety

Fewer CMVs are required to be inspected. That means less traffic congestion in the rest areas, a smoother transition for the trucks to enter/exit the rest areas, and better traffic flow and safety for all motorists.


Truck Screening Technology Locations

When CMVs approach the rest areas where the technology is installed, drivers will be directed by roadside signage to be in the right lane.

The new Truck Screening Systems technology is located at:

  • McGuireville Rest Area (Interstate 17 between Flagstaff and Camp Verde) 
  • Canoa Ranch Rest Area (Interstate 19 between Tucson and Nogales) 
  • Sacaton Rest Area (Interstate 10 between Phoenix and Casa Grande) 

Virtual Port Technology Fact Sheet - Click to view larger PDF version.

Truck Screening Systems Technology
Fact Sheet English/Español

Video Truck Screening