Commercial Vehicle Permits

Commercial Vehicle Permits

ATTENTION!  International Carriers with vehicles the are only registered in Mexico, MUST purchase permits through the ServiceArizona Secure Access Gateway.  All currently registered International Carriers can access their account through the secure ServiceArizona Gateway. If you are a new company registering for the first time, you MUST contact the ADOT Service Business Coordinator at [email protected] or call (602) 712.4039, to register for a new account.

Apply Now Online!


General Permit Information: diverging roads with question mark above

General Permit Information

In this section you can find more information on the different permit types that are offered, related costs for all permits and guidance to help you determine whether or not you are required to obtain a permit for your trip.




Rules and Regulations - Stamps on a stack of papers

Rules and Regulations

The State of Arizona has numerous rules, laws and regulations in place that help with the monitoring and compliance of oversize and overweight loads that move throughout the state. These rules and regulations are in place to ensure safe and efficient movement of all commercial traffic traveling in and out of the state.




Holiday Travel Restrictions: Cars in traffic under "Holiday Travel"

Holiday Travel Restrictions

For more detailed information regarding holiday restrictions and when travel is not authorized for all oversize/overweight vehicles.




Escort Information and Guidelines: wide-load vehicle being escorted on highway

Escort Information and Guidelines

In this section you can find more information on the different permit types that are offered, related costs for all permits and guidance to help you determine whether or not you are required to obtain a permit for your trip.




Statewide Restriction Information: commericial truck crossing a bridge

Statewide Restriction Information

Here you will find all information concerning bridge weight restrictions, limits and axle weights for legal weight and overweight vehicles.




Local Counties and Cities Information: Arizona flag design over state outline

Local Counties and Cities Information

Local County and City partners, under the requirements of HB 2521 (vehicle size, weight and load), which is listed as Laws 2018, Chapter 242, before any overweight or overdimensional ordinances are adopted by a local authority, they are required to submit those ordinances to the Department. The Department then is required to submit the ordinance to the Overdimensional Permit Council established by A.R.S. 28-1150 for review, and the Council will have 90 days after the Department’s receipt of the ordinance to determine if it complies with existing statutory requirements that all local ordinances are “substantially identical” to rules adopted by ADOT for overweight and overdimensional vehicles. Existing statute also requires any local authority to submit their full measure of overweight and overdimensional rules and ordinances in an electronic format. If you have not already done so, please send any new ordinances for the Council’s review”.  If you need to have any information, documents and/or links updated or added to the ADOT webpage, please email [email protected].  




Contact Commercial Vehicle Permits: Circle with mail, email, and phone icons

Contact Commercial Vehicle Permits

If you have questions about your permit or need assistance with your application, please feel free to contact us and we would be happy to assist you.