Obtaining a Driver License
Obtaining a Driver License
The Arizona Travel ID is Here
Types of Licenses
MVD offers several types of licenses.
Where To Go
- MVD Offices
- Authorized Third Parties -- These are privately operated businesses contracted with MVD to provide driver license and title and registration services.
You may be given a vision exam. Written and road tests may not be required if you provide a valid driver license from another state.
Proof of Identification, Age and Authorized Presence
Social Security Number
You are required by A.R.S. §§ 28-3158(D)(5) and 28-3165(F), under the authority of 42 U.S.C. §§ 405(c)(2)(C) and 666(a)(13)(A), to provide your Social Security number. It will be used to verify your identity and to comply with federal and state child-support enforcement laws. It will not be used as your driver license or identification card number.
If you want to order a replacement Social Security card visit the Social Security Administration website, replacement card request.
Identification Requirements
Arizona law requires that you submit proof that your presence in the United States is authorized under federal law.
Requirements may change without notice.