Work to resume on Araby Road roundabouts in Yuma
Work to resume on Araby Road roundabouts in Yuma
YUMA – After a five-month break to accommodate winter agriculture traffic, Arizona Department of Transportation crews in Yuma are resuming a project converting the Araby Road interchange at Interstate 8 to modern roundabouts.
Utility work will begin Monday, March 26, on the south side of I-8, with construction of a new roundabout set to begin in May. The roundabout, which is scheduled for completion by November, will connect the eastbound I-8 ramps, Araby Road and Gila Ridge Road.
Last fall, crews completed a roundabout serving the north side of I-8 and connecting with Araby with the westbound I-8 ramps. The roundabouts enhance safety and improve traffic flow. They are designed to accommodate large trucks, farming equipment and recreational vehicles.

Araby Road, also known as State Route 195, connects I-8 and the San Luis Port of Entry and is a vital corridor for international commerce. The interchange is one of the busiest intersections along I-8 in Yuma, used by about 22,000 vehicles per day. The new design is expected to accommodate increasing traffic in the area through at least 2035.