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Southbound I-17 to be closed between Loop 303 and Happy Valley Road Feb. 14-17

To limit delays for yourself and others, stay on the detour route even if a navigation app suggests otherwise. 

The Arizona Department of Transportation advises drivers to allow extra time and use the designated detour route while southbound I-17 is closed for a pavement improvement project.

Feb. 14-17

  • Southbound I-17 will be closed between Loop 303 and Happy Valley Road from 10 p.m. Friday, Feb. 14, to 5 a.m. Monday, Feb. 17. The following ramps also will be closed:
    • The southbound I-17 on-ramps at State Route 74/Carefree Highway and Dove Valley Road
    • NOTE: Southbound I-17 drivers exiting at Loop 303 will be required to turn right onto westbound Loop 303. Drivers on westbound Sonoran Desert Drive will be required to turn right onto northbound I-17. 

DETOUR: Southbound drivers should use westbound Loop 303 to southbound Lake Pleasant Parkway to eastbound Happy Valley Road to connect to I-17 beyond the closure.

Southbound I-17 On-Ramp Detours - SR 74/Carefree Highway: Use westbound SR 74 to southbound Lake Pleasant Parkway to connect with the freeway detour. Dove Valley Road: Use westbound Dove Valley Road to southbound 43rd Avenue to westbound Loop 303 to connect with the freeway detour. 

Taking Loop 303 to Interstate 10 in the West Valley is an option, especially for drivers of large trucks and for those continuing toward California, Tucson and parts of the Valley reached through downtown Phoenix.


Weeknight Closures and Restrictions (Feb. 12-13)

  • UPDATED: Southbound I-17 will be narrowed to one lane from Loop 303/Sonoran Desert Drive to Jomax Road from
     9 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 13, to 5 a.m. Friday, Feb. 14. The following ramp also will be closed:
    • The southbound I-17 off-ramp at Jomax Road
    • The Loop 303 on-ramp to southbound I-17


  • Northbound I-17 will be closed between Happy Valley Road and Loop 303/Sonoran Desert Drive from 10 p.m. Friday, Feb. 21, to 5 a.m. Monday, Feb. 24. 
  • Southbound I-17 will be closed between SR 74/Carefree Highway and Loop 303 from 10 p.m. Friday, Feb. 28, to 5 a.m. Monday, March 3. 

This weekend’s work will replace bridge deck joints in the closed area.

Drivers should use caution and be prepared to slow down and merge safely when approaching and traveling through any work zones.



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I-17 Happy Valley Road to SR 74 Pavement Project

I-17 Happy Valley Road to SR 74 Pavement Project



The Arizona Department of Transportation is initiating a project to repair the pavement on Interstate 17 from Happy Valley Road to State Route 74. The purpose of the project is to extend the life of the pavement and to improve safety and the driving experience on the roadway.

Project Elements

  • Removing the existing asphalt pavement and repairing existing concrete pavement
  • Diamond grinding existing concrete pavement to provide a smooth roadway surface
  • Making bridge deck pavement repairs
  • Replacing pavement markings, including lane line stripes, and other miscellaneous work

Project Area


I-17 HV to SR 74


What to Expect

  • Work will require overnight and weekend lane restrictions. Full freeway closures will also be necessary.
  • ADOT will provide advance notice of restrictions and closures to email subscribers and on the project website.

Project Schedule

Construction began May 2024 and is expected be completed in the spring 2025. 

Schedule subject to change based on weather or other unforeseen factors.

Project Photos

men working on a bridge

Deck joint replacement work for the I-17 Happy Valley Road to SR 74 Pavement Project

men working on a bridge

striping truck on highway at night

Striping truck on I-17

striping truck on highway at night

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Submit questions and comments or request information in any of the following ways:

  • Phone: ADOT Project Information Line: 855.712.8530
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Mail: ADOT Communications, 1655 W. Jackson St., MD 126F, Phoenix, AZ 85007