Interstate 17: Indian School Road Traffic Interchange Improvement Project
Interstate 17: Indian School Road Traffic Interchange Improvement Project
The Arizona Department of Transportation, in association with the Maricopa Association of Governments, and in coordination with the Federal Highway Administration and the city of Phoenix, has completed an environmental study and Design Concept Report (DCR) for a project to improve traffic flow and safety at Interstate 17 and Indian School Road in Phoenix.
Recommended Build Alternative
After evaluating options for interchanges in this location, the final Design Concept Report identifies a three-level diamond interchange as the best solution. This interchange will improve the flow of east- and westbound “through” traffic over I-17 on Indian School Road, reduce crashes and safely accommodate pedestrians. Features include:
- A flyover bridge along Indian School Road to allow east-west traffic to bypass the intersections at the I-17 ramps and frontage roads
- New roadways approaching the flyover bridge with embankments and retaining walls
- A reconstructed and widened Indian School Road to accommodate the flyover bridge and new approaches, and
- Two new pedestrian bridges – one north and one south of Indian School Road – to allow pedestrians to cross I-17 safely.
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- The project is currently on hold
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