Project Public Meeting - Feb. 10, 2021

Project Public Meeting - Feb. 10, 2021

Improvements are planned to the Loop 101 interchange at 75th Avenue to add a third southbound left turn lane onto eastbound Loop 101 to accommodate peak morning traffic flows. Interchange improvements at 75th Avenue will be designed and constructed in conjunction with the planned Loop 101 widening project between 75th Avenue and Interstate 17.

Loop 101 Agua Freeway Interchange Map

The third left turn lane on 75th Avenue would be added within the existing roadway by restriping the lanes, without the need for additional right of way or bridge widening. The eastbound Loop 101 on-ramp at 75th Avenue, which is currently two lanes, will be reconstructed to accommodate a third lane.

The Arizona Department of Transportation, in coordination with its project partners, the city of Glendale and Maricopa Association of Governments, developed three potential interchange design concepts to accommodate the additional southbound left turn lane at the 75th Avenue interchange. Those concepts were presented to the community for input in February and March 2021. Based on input from the community, as well as engineering and cost considerations of each alternative, the project team selected Alternative 3 as the preferred design concept for the interchange, and is moving forward with final design of the interchange as part of the Loop 101, 75th Avenue to Loop 101 general purpose lane widening project.

Alternative 3: 75th Avenue/67th Avenue Ramp Widening and extended 75th Ave on-ramp

A map showing design elements of Alternative 3.

The selected Alternative 3 interchange design will improve the flow of southbound 75th Ave to eastbound Loop 101, reduce congestion and improve safety. Features include:

  • Adding a third left turn lane from southbound 75th Ave to eastbound Loop 101.
  • Adding a third lane to the eastbound Loop 101 on-ramp at 75th Avenue.
  • Adding a second lane to the existing eastbound 67th Ave off-ramp.
  • Adding a lane to eastbound Loop 101 between the eastbound 75th Avenue on-ramp and the eastbound 67th Avenue on-ramp to provide additional distance for traffic merging onto Loop 101.
  • Modifying the existing 75th Avenue median islands, traffic signals, signing and pavement markings.
  • Adding signalized ramp meters for traffic entering eastbound Loop 101.
  • Adding freeway and ramp signing and pavement markings.
  • No new right of way is required.
  • Estimated cost of construction is approximately $12 million.

View A3 Design Concept

Alternative 3 Animation

Public Involvement on Interchange Alternatives

Members of the public were able to make comments, ask questions and express their preference for the interchange alternatives in a variety of ways including a Feb. 10 public meeting, an online survey, by email or by phone. Read a summary of the public involvement below. The summary includes a comment log of all of the comments made and responses from the project team to frequently asked questions. Names and other identifying information have been omitted.


Project Background

In 2020, the Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) completed a feasibility analysis to identify possible alternatives to improve operations at the Loop 101/75th Avenue traffic interchange. Alternatives to add triple-left turns from southbound 75th Avenue onto eastbound Loop 101 were recommended to be advanced for further study.



75th Avenue Interchange Alternatives
Online Public Meeting

Wednesday, Feb. 10, 2021,  6-7 p.m.

On Feb. 10, 2021, the project team presented the public with an overview of the 75th Avenue Interchange project and interchange design alternatives. The meeting included an opportunity for people to ask questions or provide comments online or by phone. Watch the meeting recording or view the meeting presentation to learn more. There you'll also find links to a summary of outreach efforts and a log of comments from stakeholders, whose names and other identifiers have been removed for privacy. 


Meeting Documents