Loop 101/State Route 51 Ramp Widening

Loop 101/State Route 51 Ramp Widening



The Arizona Department of Transportation, in partnership with the city of Phoenix and Maricopa Association of Governments, is widening the eastbound Loop 101 to southbound State Route 51 ramp from one to two lanes. These improvements will include:

  • Adding new pavement along the existing ramp to accommodate a two-lane configuration.
  • Constructing a new concrete barrier on the northeast curve of the ramp after paving.
  • Restriping eastbound Loop 101 at the system interchange to provide a dual-lane exit to southbound SR 51.
  • Installing new overhead signs on eastbound Loop 101.
  • Installing new speed limit and warning signs.
  • Restoring landscaping, including replacing salvaged trees.

Project Area Map

Loop 101/State Route 51 Ramp Widening Project map

What to Expect

Overnight or weekend closures of the ramp.
A reduced speed limit along the ramp during construction and upon project completion.
Overnight restrictions and closures of eastbound Loop 101 for overhead sign installation and striping.

Project Timeline

The project is currently in final design.
Construction is anticipated to start summer 2025 and is expected to take approximately eight months.

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  • Email: [email protected]
  • Mail: ADOT Communications, 1655 W. Jackson St., MD 126F, Phoenix, AZ 85007