PUBLIC MEETING Wednesday, Jan. 15, 2025 | 6 - 7:30 p.m.
Ponderosa Fire Station 82 - Community Room
11951 West Shadow Mountain Drive, Bellemont, AZ
(presentation at 6:30 p.m.)
Ponderosa Fire Station 82 - Community Room
11951 West Shadow Mountain Drive, Bellemont, AZ
(presentation at 6:30 p.m.)
The Arizona Department of Transportation, in cooperation with Coconino County, has initiated a Design Concept Report (DCR) Update for the Bellemont (Hughes Avenue) Traffic Interchange (TI) located on Interstate 40 at milepost (MP) 185. The TI was originally identified for improvement in the I-40 Bellemont to Winona DCR document that was created in 2013.
In the 2013 DCR, operational issues related to the proximity of a Pilot Flying J truck stop to the crossroad intersection with the westbound I-40 ramps. The original DCR recommended a long-term solution of constructing the interchange 800 feet to the east and constructing new roundabouts at the ramp/crossroad intersections to improve overall TI operations. Since then, Coconino County constructed the recommended roundabout from the 2013 DCR on Shadow Mountain Drive and worked with Pilot Flying J to modify the circulation of trucks approaching and departing the truck stop. This resolved many of the immediate issues on I-40, although other challenges were created on Shadow Mountain Drive.
ADOT and the County initiated this DCR update based on traffic projections from recently proposed developments that significantly increase long-term traffic volumes and congestion in the area.
The I-40 DCR will be updated by developing new alternatives and identifying a preferred alternative for the Bellemont area (study limits: I-40 MP 182-188). This will allow the county to be more competitive in applying for a federal Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) grant.
The vital first steps of preparing the DCR update document and reaching 15% design will confirm and prioritize the project goals and objectives.
A key component to this phase of the project is to determine the specific interchange location, type and overall footprint of the project. The deliverables for this phase are the scoping document preparation, traffic operation modeling, preliminary interchange and intersection layouts and the baseline cost estimate.
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Teléfono: Línea de Información del Proyecto ADOT: 855.712.8530
Email: [email protected]