State Route 86, mileposts 90 -105 Pavement Rehabilitation
State Route 86, mileposts 90 -105 Pavement Rehabilitation
Located in Pima County 40 miles southeast of Why, Arizona within the Tohono O’odham Nation Indian Reservation.
Key Elements of the Project:
- Pavement Rehabilitation of the existing roadway between mileposts 90-105
- Milling the existing pavement and replacing with asphaltic concrete, followed by an application of chip seal
- Replacing guardrail, and installing new embankment curb
- Drainage Improvements
- Seeding
- Pavement markings
- Other related work
The project began in April 2023 and is 310 days long. Expected completion is spring of 2024
Traffic Restrictions:
During milling and paving operations there will be traffic restrictions. Message boards will be placed to notify the public. Traffic alerts will go out prior to restrictions.