Road Test

Protective fencing on SR 89A's Midgley Bridge matches scenic surroundings

Protective fencing on SR 89A's Midgley Bridge matches scenic surroundings

Protective fencing on SR 89A's Midgley Bridge matches scenic surroundings

Protective fencing on SR 89A's Midgley Bridge matches scenic surroundings

January 6, 2017

By Ryan Harding / ADOT Communications

Responding to community concerns and acting in the interest of public safety, ADOT has added fencing to Midgley Bridge on State Route 89A, just into Oak Creek Canyon from Sedona.

The 10-foot-tall fencing is chain-link style and attached to the bridge’s railings. It’s brown to match the surrounding environment and is designed to be difficult to climb.

We shared news of this project in a recent news release. The slideshow above shows how the fencing looks.

The city of Sedona sought ADOT’s help because four people committed suicide from the bridge in 2015. After adding signs at the bridge carrying the number of a suicide-prevention hotline, ADOT worked with Sedona and other area partners, including Coconino County and the U.S. Forest Service, to design the fencing.

“Fencing can complement a broader community response by acting as an additional barrier and possible deterrent,” ADOT Director John Halikowski said as the project launched.