ADOT Kids - Engineering Bridges
ADOT Kids - Engineering Bridges
- Read about bridge parts and what they are called.
- Use this diagram of the parts of a bridge to complete the Bridge Parts Word Seach puzzle.
Kinds of Bridges on Arizona Roads
Take a look at the different kinds of bridges on Arizona roads. Most of this video was shot using a drone with a camera attached which allows the videographer to stay safely on the ground while filming the bridge from different angles.
SR89 Hell Canyon Bridge Demolition
Time lapse I-15 Bridge rehabilitation
ADOT Kids: Art and answers to your bridge questions!
We’re excited that so many kids sent us bridge designs and asked questions about bridges.
ADOT Kids: More fun with bridges!
For those who want to know even more about how bridges work, we have a graphic listing bridge parts and a bunch of important terms. And don't miss our first word search!
ADOT Kids Activity: Get to know bridges!
Learn about how ADOT builds bridges, then take a shot at completing a highway by designing your own bridge.