
Adopt a Highway: Volunteers and high-fives

Adopt a Highway: Volunteers and high-fives

By Mary Currie / ADOT Communications
May 22, 2024
A list of new and renewed Adopt a Highway groups.

ADOT is celebrating 23 new and renewed Adopt a Highway volunteer groups since February 2024 in this quarterly shoutout. 

Earth Day took the stage in April, starting with Lyzzett Guderian’s new group, Every day is Earth Day. Special thanks to the Resolution Copper Mine and Darrell Acothley for adopting miles on one-day permits to conduct April 22 Earth Day cleanups. 

Thank you to our memorial group-adopters for your commitment to civic awareness in remembrance of loved ones. Gathering together at adopted segments several times a year to pick up litter with honored family and friends makes a positive difference travelers notice.

High-fives are still popular and distributed virtually to new fraternity and sorority groups, veteran, business, miner and hiker volunteers. We are proud of the commitment you’ve made to elevate your community by bagging litter.

It is a humbling fact that our volunteers clean up after others to improve the scenery along state highways. With many civic opportunities available, we’re grateful to those who choose to reduce a seemingly endless supply of litter.

If you happen to spot volunteers during your travels, please show them your appreciation by driving with caution through the area where litter is being picked up and bagged. Volunteer recognition signs mark 800-plus adopted highway segments along state managed roadways throughout Arizona. 

Please visit Adopt a Highway to learn about volunteer opportunities in your area. There is no charge for volunteering and high-fives are free.

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