
2021-2025 Tentative Five-Year Program comment period opens

2021-2025 Tentative Five-Year Program comment period opens

By Laura Douglas / ADOT Communications
March 20, 2020

Those who drive Arizona’s highway system know it best – and you’re pretty good about telling us when you see something that needs improving or needs to be repaired.

Starting today, the Arizona Department of Transportation is asking everyone to take a look at our 2021-2025 Tentative Five-Year Transportation Facilities Construction Program and send us your thoughts and comments.

The plan is part of the proposed annual update to ADOT’s lineup of all statewide projects. The 2021-2025 Tentative Five-Year Program allocates funding for preservation, modernization and expansion projects.

The complete report, along with an online comment form, can be found at You can also email [email protected] or call 855.712.8530 with your comments.

We want to hear from you! You’ve got until June 2 to send us your comments. The State Transportation Board will make its final decision on June 19 about what will be in the updated Five-Year Program.

Much of the 2021-2025 Tentative Five-Year Program focuses on the preservation needs for our state highway system. The program proposes an average of approximately $310 million per year for preservation of bridges and roadways statewide. This moves ADOT even closer to its goal of allocating $320 million per year for system preservation.

Preervation projects include repaving highways, filling potholes, extending the life cycle of existing pavement, and repairing or reconstructing bridges. Approximately 67 percent of all funding allocated to Greater Arizona will be directed to preservation projects from FY 2021 to FY 2025.