ADOT builds new pedestrian underpass on SR 189
ADOT builds new pedestrian underpass on SR 189

It’s not just about building and maintaining highways, here at ADOT...
The agency actually takes on a number of projects related to other things, like pedestrians, bicyclists, wildlife and even the occasional boat.
Today’s video highlights one of those projects by focusing on the work being done to complete a new pedestrian underpass, designed to separate the movements of pedestrians and commercial trucks leaving the Mariposa Port of Entry on the Arizona/Mexico border in Nogales.
ADOT Resident Engineer Dan Casmer explains in the video that, when completed, the new structure will measure 350 feet long and will contain an internal lighting system and closed circuit television system.
“By year’s end we will be able to serve pedestrians more safely and more efficiently," Casmer says of the underpass. "It will also improve the efficiency of commercial goods entering the United States from Mexico,”
Find more on the Arizona ports of entry on our website.