
ADOT makes ADA Transition Plan available for public comment

ADOT makes ADA Transition Plan available for public comment

September 4, 2012

ADA Compliance - Sunset Point Rest Area

We’re looking for your feedback on a transition plan that’s designed to outline in detail how ADOT plans to ensure safe access to all of its facilities for all individuals.

But before we send you off to our online survey, let us give you a few more details...

As part of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, ADOT is conducting an evaluation of its public right of way and developing a transition plan. It is intended to identify system needs and integrate them with ADOT’s planning process, while ensuring that all of its facilities, services, programs and activities are accessible to everyone.

This transition plan applies to all facilities and right-of-way owned and maintained by ADOT (Examples of facilities include office buildings, rest areas, scale sites, and maintenance buildings. Examples of right-of-way features include curb ramps, sidewalks, crosswalks, medians and accessible pedestrian signals).

As part of the plan development process that began in January 2011, ADOT completed a comprehensive statewide inventory of public rights-of-way, including data collection of more than 22,000 features and 10,000 photos taken.

“Every agency must document its intent to meet the Americans with Disabilities Act requirements. Developing a transition plan based on self-evaluation is the best way to do it,” said ADOT Deputy State Engineer Dallas Hammit. “It’s the right thing to do. We want to make sure everyone has access to all of our buildings, facilities and programs. It’s important that the public submit their comments because their input will be used for the final plan.”

So, about that survey we mentioned ...

You can find it on our website, along with plenty of additional information. Comments may be submitted until Sept. 28 online or by writing ADOT’s ADA Coordinator, Eddie Edison, at the Arizona Department of Transportation, 206 S. 17th Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 85007.

We invite you to provide your feedback!

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