
ADOT partners with U.S. Army for PaYS program

ADOT partners with U.S. Army for PaYS program

September 27, 2013

A new partnership between ADOT and the U.S. Army will afford job opportunities to soldiers once they’re ready to leave the service.

But that’s not all…

It’s also intended to provide ADOT with trained, highly skilled individuals, which makes the U.S. Army’s Partnership for Youth Success (PaYS) program a real win-win for everyone involved.

How it works

When someone enlists with the U.S. Army, he or she has the option to select a position with a PaYS partner employer. The positions match up with the job skills offered by the Army.

While enlisted, the soldier receives training that will allow them to potentially transition into a job with the selected PaYS partner employer.

Once the soldier completes their service obligation and returns to civilian life, they are guaranteed an interview with the PaYS partner employer they selected at the time of enlistment.

“ADOT is always looking for trained, highly skilled individuals,” says ADOT Deputy Director John Nichols in the video above. “The Army provides that for them. It starts off with ADOT helping them outline what specific career tasks and training they will need. They will work with their army counterparts to get that training.”

ADOT, now one of 440 PaYS partners across the country, is an ideal partner for this program because the agency offers several different career paths that align with training offered by the Army, including engineering, law enforcement, computer programming and accounting.

ADOT is the second Arizona state agency to subscribe to the program, joining the Department of Public Safety. Providing job opportunities is a significant way for ADOT to honor those individuals who have committed to defending the country.

Lieutenant Colonel Jennifer McAfee says the PaYS program gives soldiers a sense of stability.

“It gives them the ability to realize they have an interview waiting for them when they leave,” she says in the video. “To move into an organization such as ADOT, I think honestly it will be a smooth transition because it’s kind of doing the same things they were doing in the military.”

For more on the Army PaYS program, visit

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