From the director: Why care about traffic incident management?

From the director: Why care about traffic incident management?

By John Halikowski / ADOT Director
November 8, 2019

Nov. 10-16 is Traffic Incident Management Week. What do I mean by “Traffic Incident Management?” 

Here’s the short version: When crashes occur, TIM strategies keep safe those involved in the collisions, the professionals responding to the collisions and the traveling public that comes upon the crash scene, as well as reducing duration and impacts these crashes have on traffic.

TIM is important. TIM techniques are time-tested and effective. Most importantly, all of us, even when driving in our own cars, can contribute. Here are three TIM tips for making roadways safe for everyone:

  • If you’re involved in a non-injury fender-bender, the misconception that it’s best to stay put can leave you in danger, increase risks for emergency responders and other motorists. Instead, drive your car out of travel lanes to the shoulder. Then call for help and exchange information with the other drivers in a safe place.
  • When you come upon a crash scene and responders are working in travel lanes, be sure to pay attention to them.
  • Whenever you see any vehicle stopped on the shoulder of a road with lights flashing, “Move Over” one lane to the left or slow down if it isn’t safe to change lanes. By moving over, you’re providing a safer place for emergency responders to work and for stranded motorists to inspect their cars.

Actually, there’s a fourth item, too. Share these TIM tips with family and friends so even more drivers become aware of how they can contribute to making our roads safer! We all should care about traffic incident management!