MVD doing its part to help homeless vets
MVD doing its part to help homeless vets
By Doug Nick / ADOT Communications
If you’re familiar with the term “Catch-22,” you know that it means a no-win situation.
Since the phrase came from a satirical book about the military during World War II, it kind of makes sense that veterans would be pretty familiar with it. Some vets are more familiar with it than others, perhaps none more than homeless vets.
Frankly, it’s exceptionally sad that of all people, some veterans, the men and women who’ve bravely served this nation in uniform, continue to pay a price after coming home.
The Arizona Department of Transportation Motor Vehicle Division wants to do its part to help these deserving people. In fact, it’s an honor to be able to help in any way.
That’s why all MVD employees are grateful that a new state law allows the agency to waive certain fees to allow homeless vets to get a driver license or ID card for free.
It’s basically impossible to apply for a job or many of the available social services without a valid ID. If you have an ID, you can apply for a job, make money and find a permanent place to live. But if you don’t have the money to get an ID, you can’t apply for the job and make that money. The circle is endless. It’s a Catch-22. But not anymore.
To qualify for the waiver, the MVD will verify the customer’s status as a veteran. In addition, the customer must provide a statement on U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs letterhead or a statement on the letterhead of a verified provider of homeless services that the customer has been homeless within the past 60 days.
Arizona law relies on the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s definition of homeless as lacking a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence. This includes a location not meant for human habitation, or a temporary or emergency shelter.
Several other fees, including those for a license suspension or revocation, a road test for drivers moving to Arizona from another state, among others, may also be waived.
We can’t do enough for our veterans, but we can do this to help get them back on their feet and show we care about their service.