MVD is a proud partner of Donor Network of Arizona

MVD is a proud partner of Donor Network of Arizona

By Doug Nick / ADOT Communications
September 6, 2019

Did you know that nearly four million Arizonans have signed up to be organ or tissue donors through Donor Network of Arizona?

That’s an incredible number, and if you’re on of those people, thank you. Organ and tissue donations change, and in many cases, save lives. You can see that in this 2015 video about one such organ donor, Michael Choppi.

The Arizona Department of Transportation Motor Vehicle Division has been a partner with the Donor Network of Arizona for many years, and we couldn’t be more proud of what that partnership has accomplished. In fact, last month was ADOT MVD Saves Lives Month, and this is probably our most important partnership.

One of the newer changes we’ve made to encourage people to sign up as a donor when renewing their vehicle registration. Arizona has a unique time frame for renewing a license or ID. Your credential is good until you reach the age of 65, so we see a lot fewer people for this service than other states. But your registration is a different story. You usually have a choice between an annual renewal, two years or even five years. Obviously, that increases the opportunities to interest people in donation. So in 2017, MVD added a donor registration question to the renewal process and registrations increased by about 20 percent.

We talk a lot about some of the innovative ways MVD has improved customer service. Those are great changes, but they pale in comparison to helping Arizonans change and save lives. We hope you’ll thoughtfully consider becoming an organ and tissue donor.