
Registration open for National CleanUp Day

Registration open for National CleanUp Day

By Mary Currie / ADOT Communications
August 18, 2021

The Adopt a Highway Volunteer Program welcomes you to make a positive difference on National CleanUp Day, Saturday, Sept. 18. Adopt a Highway volunteer groups and one-day permits are invited to participate and register

In 2020, more than 330 Adopt a Highway volunteers collected 4.3 tons of trash in one day. That's triple from the previous year and we hope to meet or beat that record with your help.

Permitted volunteer groups or those interested in conducting a one-time cleanup may register to participate now. ADOT grants one-day permits on a first-come, first-served basis and we'll do our best to find an adoptable section near your desired location.

For existing Adopt a Highway Volunteer groups or one-day permit holders that decide to keep their permit for two years, this event counts toward your annual cleanup requirement!

All groups must report litter bag totals and number of volunteers to ADOT within three days after the event. ADOT tracks litter data each year to help improve the program and share the accomplishments of 4,700 volunteers. Groups reporting this important information receive a printable certificate of appreciation for participating. 

The Adopt a Highway team plans to visit as many volunteer groups on-site as logistics allow. If your segment is along our route on Sept. 18 we will contact you prior to National CleanUp Day. 

We'd love to see and share your photos on social media. Please use the hashtag #NationalCleanUpDay and tag your photos with @ArizonaDOT. 

Thank you for considering ADOT for National CleanUp Day participation—an opportunity to unite and reduce litter. Visit Adopt a Highway for more information about the program. 

At this time we are asking volunteer group leaders and all volunteers to respect guidelines for social distancing during cleanups. Keep groups as small as possible as recommended by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Arizona, Keep It Grand!

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